Good news... So far you haven't had a high fever, yet.
37.5 (99) is very low grade
38.9 (102) is mid grade
Running a 38s (low to midgrade / 101-102) fever is very very normal when fighting off a mild infection or illness. 10 days for a cold, and up to a month or so for ear/nose/throat repeat infections.
It sounds like you're staying on top of things, but suggest you're overreacting a tad at the idea of dropping out of school for a couple weeks of non-threatening fever. It's never fun when our little ones get sick, especially back to back. But unless you're looking at prolonged hospital stays, I don't think you need to derail your life over a fairly minor illness, kwim?
If cold/flu season is problematic, you might look into using winter as your summer break, or scale down on your coursework.
Good early catch in the ear infection, btw!
As far as fevers being dangerous... I personally monitor closely at 39.2/ mid grade (102.5), and don't blink until 40 (104). As long as you can keep,a fever in the 38s (101-102.1) on meds, you're doing good.
Down here on this side of the border, there's a saying "104 & out the door" (to go to the ER). In general: 38s at home, 39s get seen, 40s ER.