Some kids just arent that interested in table foods. It takes a while. I started at dinner. I used a grinder and ground up her foods small enough that she wouldnt choke, also this way she was sitting at the dinner table with the family - eating what we were eating. I still fed her with a spoon. I let her play with her food though so she would be interested in it - no matter how messy it was. I also gave her a sippy cup - so she learned that she hada cup w/ her meal.
At 11 mos - feed her exactly what you eat - just make it really smal until she gets the hang of it. If she isnt interested right away - no biggie. These things take time. It can take somethign liek up to 20 times of introducing a particular food to a child before they will accept it.
Have baby food on hand in case she isnt interested in what you give her.
But also at 11 mos - have you tried 3rd foods - maybe the thicker consistency will motivate her. I used to give my daughter at 6 mos her own spoon to play with while I fed her with another. This helped a lot when we were ready to let her "feed" herself.
My daughter never liked to hold a bottle until after she was a year. If she didnt have to - why would she?
Good luck and dont stress over this, she will eat table food when she is ready. Just be consistent and atleast offer it to her, let her take a bite of the fruit you are eating, etc. Go from there. She will let you know what she likes and doesnt.