Oh, I hope she grows out of some of those allergies! It's harder on you than her! :)
I think the key to moving her to more "real" food might be fruit! Small pieces of banana, avacado, peach, and plum. Good, unsweetened applesauce. Those freeze-dried apple bites from Gerber are fun to pick up. (no other ingredients, just apple)
You can also give her toast with fruit jam. Well cooked spaghetti noodles. (I use the pasta wheels, and cut them in half.) Veggies like green beans (cut up), peas (very well cooked), mushy carrots, mashed potatoes, etc.
Small pieces of meat work, too! As long as it isn't tough, any of kind of meat is good.
It sounds like you're doing just fine with formula. She will start to drink less as she eats more finger foods. Normally this is the time to introduce whole milk, but I'm assuming your doc told you to keep offering formula because of her allergies?