the best thing you can do is go to this web site www.dfps.state.tx.us
this web site will tell you everything about your daycare. it will even tell you if the have any bad reports.
I have a 2 year old daughter and she is attending Kindercare located in Huffines and Hebron in Carrollton, TX. Lately I have not been happy with their service.;(
I have several concerns about my daughter's safety, also they don't have enough teachers and they are lacking communication from their staff to us parents.
Does anyone has any feedback about this particular daycare?
the best thing you can do is go to this web site www.dfps.state.tx.us
this web site will tell you everything about your daycare. it will even tell you if the have any bad reports.
I had a bad experience with this school, also. My son now attends the Primrose School on Hebron and we have been very happy. The difference is like night and day.
I have worked in childcare all my life - as a teacher and as management. I have never heard anything good about Kindercare. None of them! They are poor quality, poor care daycares. Since you are in Carrollton, I would check out the Primrose's there. They cost more but you will see that the care is like night and day.
If you are unhappy with the center, you need to find out who the regional director is and talk to her. I used to see her at the center from time to time and know that they're very agressive when it comes to unhappy parents.
Have you spoken with the center's director about your concerns?
I don't know about this particular Kindercare, but when I was researching daycare, I found that in general they are not a very good chain and are overpriced. I HIGHLY recommend doing background checks on ANY daycare provider! You should be able to get this info through licensing. I ended up going with an at home provider w/o doing this...she physically beat my son. Thank GOD he is okay, but we currently have a lawsuit against her. (She lives in CA). Hope this helps!
S., If you work close to the Plano, Frisco area you should go to Childtime on Hedgcoxe. This place has the best staff. They are friendly and caring. The staff have all been there from 2 to 9 years. Older women mostly. Very homey and clean. I haven't met a nicer bunch of women before at anyother center. Give them a call at ###-###-####. Good luck! Always follow your gut feelings as a mom. If you aren't happy and know longer feel good about where your daughter is, then follow your heart and move her.