It sounds as if he has had some brain damage from the vaccine doesn't it?
You may be able to get compensation from the government.
Are you planning on getting more vaccinations?
You may want to start reading up on this topic.
In june last year my son got his Dtap shot and had a sezuire. He was diagnoised with Febrile sezuires. Since then he has had several prolonged sezuires and these "episodes" (thats what the docs call it) where he twitches for about a second or two and its all done.
All in the presance of a fever. Well in the past few weeks he has has three of these episodes and he isnt sick.
I guess im just looking for anyone who have been through this and what were some of the treatments.
It sounds as if he has had some brain damage from the vaccine doesn't it?
You may be able to get compensation from the government.
Are you planning on getting more vaccinations?
You may want to start reading up on this topic.
I am an occupational therapist who does CranioSacral Therapy. I see a lot of children who have had reactions to vaccines. I would recommend doing some research on CranioSacral Therapy, Naturopatic doctors and pediatric acupuncture as possible ways to help with this
Good luck
Oh boy, do I know how scary it can be to watch your baby dissapear into a seizure. My 5 year old has had 5 seizures, starting at 8 months old...classified as 'complex' febrile seizures. This designation is related to the duration, intensity (grand mal), family history of seizures (both my brothers) & the fact that they have shown up as the result of very low fevers. That may what's happened with you LO, perhaps he had a very low fever? That being said, I do believe that some children have very intense reactions to vaccinations & would strongly consider not vaccing (we're selectively vaccing here).
Also, consider taking taking him to see a neurologist...we saw someone over at MGH, who talked to us, gave him a neurology workup, & was very re-assuring. At age 2 an EEG may be really difficult to do, I wouldn't push for that unless your neurologist saw a specific reason for it (seizure activity stronger on one side of the body, etc.).
This is how we have treated our son's seizures:
* We aggressively stay on top of any fevers...medicate with tylenol/ibuprofen (we wouldn't be this aggressive if we didn't have this issue), tepid baths, homeopathic remedy, etc.
* We had a homeopathic workup when he was 2, & give him more frequent doses of his constitutional remedy when he's ill.
* FOr 2 years or so he saw a cranio-sacral practioner. He did have a seizure during this time, but he was definately getting positive ('tho subtle) results.
* When he does seize, we DO NOT take him to the ER. We brought him to the ER twice, once by ambulance (due to the length of the seizure) & had an aweful time there when all he wanted & needed was to sleep. After a long discussion with his neurologist, we determined what specific aspects of a seizure really would necessitate a visit or an ambulance. We DO lie hime down on a soft surface, on his left side, & gently hold him & talk to him. We let him go to sleep as soon as he can look at me & say "mama".
My son's been seizure free now for a year & half. Good luck.
My son is now 29 yrs old and fine. He had the same. He had the first seizure we actually saw when he was 4 yrs old. i think he had had others, but we just didn't see them. He would spike fevers out of no where. One fever was on the way home from Children's Hospital on the SE Expressway, after after his check up where he was fine. His temp. was 106!! We pulled off the highway, and an ambulance got him to Quincy hospital. They threw him in a bucket of ice, after an hour of stabilizing him they sent us home.... it was awful. He took phenobarbital from the age of 4 til 14. He did grow out of it. At Children's Hospital he was given an EEG every 6 mos. This tested his brain waves, and gave them a base to compare to. By seeing slow improvement, they could determine if he was getting 'better'. He had very irregular brain waves during sleep, and upon waking. I would suggest you bring your child to a specialist, Children's Hospital in Boston, and go from there. Those small episodes are seizures too. Some kids just go 'blank' for a second. I was an after school teacher for a few years and saw a little boy who did this. I brought it to the attention of his Mom, and he was treated for seizures too. It was frustrating that the Drs at Childrens, best in the world, couldn't tell me when my son would get better. They could only do the regular EEG's and tell me he was improving. I wish you and your son well.
From what I have learned, you can't really "treat" febrile seizures but they are outgrown. I would very strongly recommend not getting further vaccines though! We aren't vaccinating at all. If you have any questions, you can send me a private message.
How incredibly scary! I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't have any personal experience with vaccine injuries but wanted to point you to this board where there are tons of very knowledgable ladies who no doubt would have a wealth of information for you:
Even if you plan on continuing to vaccinate I would suggest checking out this board - all the women there are very welcoming regardless of your beliefs and would be more than willing to share their experiences and information with you.
Take him to the best doctor (specialist) you can find. In my opinion, Children's Hospital in Boston is the best in my area. A friend of mine went through something similar with her child. Good luck!
My youngest daughter (4) has had seizures since she was 18 mos. Hers are illness related (not febrile). She has them after shes been ill, vomiting or last time she had the flu & an ear infection. Its whenever her body is in stress. She just reached her 1 yr mark of being seizure free. The likelihood of her outgrowing them is great. She's been doing well. She has had multiple EEG's & blood work, and has been on 2 different medications. Her neurologist is at UMass Worcester, we also consulted with a specialist at Childrens Hosp in Boston. I have a friend whos daughter has febrile seizures, yet she had one while in a pool also. Bottom line is this needs attention. EEG's & CT scans, & bloodwork need to be done. See a pediatric neurologist asap.
He should be seen by a neurologist and have an EEG test done. It's important to report to the doctor what the seizure looked like and how long it lasted. Also to give the Dr. all reports and previous tests. Keep in mind that often kids outgrow seizures, but it's important to treat it. Best of luck to you.
I know nothing about this affliction but just wanted to suggest, that if you haven't already, find the doctor nearest to you that is a specialist in this field. Do not let his pediatrician run the show. You need to be his advocate and politely, yet frimly demand answers and second opinions. That's one of the great things about the internet is you can google anything. Contact your nearest children's hospital if you haven't already or St.Judes. Also contact/ look at teaching hospitals that are on the cuff of new research. You may have done all this already, if not now you have another avenue that might lead you to some more answers. Best of luck and hoping for good health for you and your family.
A. P
My daughter has never had seizures, but a close friend of mine has a 17 month old son that has had 2 seizures. the first was when he had a fever and the 2nd came out of now where. One minute he was playing, the next seizing. Her doctor is sending him to the neurologist for a scan. If your doctor hasn't done or recommended this for you, I would be very adamant that your child get checked out. You never want to play around with that type of thing. The best of luck to you!
Just wanted to say I can understand, and know how scared you must be! Seizures are tough!
Has he seen a neurologist? If not, I would request one, and get a 24 hour EEG. As horrible as it may sound, he may be having seizures that are not febrile. If that is the case, they need to be treated. Don't let anyone tell you he doesn't need to see a neurologist, this is your right. Childrens hospital in Boston has some great neurologists, and they have satellite offices all over. But he really should be seen!
Good luck!