Seems like he has a farm... not a family.
And he has a substitute parent (ie: his Mom), helping you. But you are also a student.
And he is not doing anything, to help with his family, which HE helped create.
He seems to live in a hotel, and has his farm which he tends to.
He has his own life, which does not include being a participant, WITH his kids or Wife.
He gives himself time... to do everything that HE wants.
And he doesn't do what he doesn't want to do. ie: tend to his family.
He says, "well farming has to come first when it is time to get out in the fields..."
Well, geez, doesn't he realize, that a Wife and his kids, are THERE everyday, needing to come first??? And it is time to get in the family and DO THINGS TOO, for them. As a Dad. As a Husband.
Again, he seems to have a farm, not a family.
I bet if you were not around, would he even worry about that, or still just tend to his farm, as though he and his farm and his hobbies are the only thing that matter?
As you said, he gives himself TIME to do HIS things.
He can't even go to a Doctor appointment for his child.
And he ignores everyone/you/the children/the home.
Oh and he raises his voice.
Gee, what a nice unselfish responsible, man.
It really doesn't matter, what kind of work shift or stuff a man or wife does. Or how busy a Man is because he works and aw poor guy. IF they have a family and a home and kids... you MAKE TIME DO DO IT.
You just, do, it.
Wives, whether or not they work, they just do it. Too.
Once you have kids and a Spouse, life's needs, increases.