It all depends on what type of insurance you have on what kind of couseling I recommend. You first need to find out what and who you insurance will cover. Then you can go from there. I have been dealing with some therapist that take Medicaid (because most of my families can't afford insurance) and they have been okay. If there is a specific issue you need to research and find that particular kind of therapist. It just all depends on the things you feel need to be worked out.
I give parenting classes at my job and I think that may be more of the way to go. I am also a single parent and I know it can be frustrating. But if you can't learn to balance out your life with work, life, and kids it is going to be hard. I teach a three week program that is really helpful. It's funny because when I first starting learning the cirriculum I noticed a lot of the "not to dos" I was doing. But I am working on patience, planning, and praying!
First you need a plan, set of rules, and consistency!!!
CONSISTENCY will get you through! I also know that you can get all the therapy in the world and if your child does not respect your authority it won't matter.