Fall Organization Tips

Updated on September 23, 2011
M.F. asks from Oakland, CA
6 answers

Hi mamas! Do you guys prefer organizing/cleaning in the fall or the summer? What are your top tips for organizing?

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answers from New York on

I like to do it at the start of each season. Its like spring cleaning 4x over. My top tip for organizing is, touch it once. decide right then and there if its a keep, recycle or trash item, otherwise, all you are doing is moving stuff around. Also, if you generally de-clutter, it makes all the cleaning/ org tips easier. finally, you can always motivate to do one seldom done job a day, clean out the kitchen "gadget drawer", make sure you've got old fliers off the bulliten board, take an inventory of your wrapping/paper supplies. etc. if you do one of those seldom done jobs a day, you will really get ahead of the curve.

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answers from Burlington on

one tip I can give you that i use a lot as well as recommend, is to reuse the sheet set bags. they are usually clear bendable plastic with a zipper. they are perfect for so many items to organize.

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answers from San Francisco on

organization? what's that? ;)

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answers from San Francisco on

I try to do it year round. However.....I've been really sick (pnemonia) for over a month and have a big job ahead of me. Wonder if that is why this is lingering..... ;-)

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answers from Boston on

I prefer to just do it all year round.. in the fall however is a good time to weed out the winter stuff thats too small or got icky being stored all year.. other than that keep on it all the time to just cut down on the clutter and it isnt so overwhelming.

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answers from Phoenix on

I don't "prefer" to clean at all! LOL! I guess we just stay on top of it the whole year. Are you asking about a big "spring cleaning" kind of thing? I never do that. I have tried to downsize and really get rid of things we don't like and use anymore. I usually do that in winter when its cooler here. My plan is to finish the garage this winter. =)

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