I have the exact same thing....My upper right lid started twitching on it's own, uncontrollably, just doing it's annoying thing....
Here is what I have learned talking to 2 neurologist and my optometrist:
It's Stress..pure and simple....
Stress due to:
Eye strain - so try the hand cup thing, and some massage, and most certainly EFT tapping....google EFT.
Lack of sleep - so sleep more, or sleep better, or longer.
Don't over rub your eyes.
I also have sever sinus problems that shoot pain up into the crook of my eye. So clearing your sinuses and managing that is important.
Recently, I started taking a 5mg dissolvable Ambien (sleep aid) at night, like just 2 weeks ago. And Voila! the eye twitching is almost down to nill. Ambien is a relaxant and I'm positive this was a side benefit. So I'm please that I'm sleeping better and the twitch has resolved.
Also, caffeine aggravates the twitch in most people. So I only drink breakfast or green teas for a caffeine boost, no coffee or sodas. The caffeine in coffee and soda really increases the twitch, for me.