First of all - it's your vision you're messing around with - home remedies are not for eyes! Get a prescription now for antibactierial drops.
Second - as it relates to contact lenses and sleeping in them - my eye doctro told me years ago that VERY few people are candidates for the sleep-in contact lenses and of those only about 10% have success. He refuses to fit them for his patietn AT ALL - said that he saw too many patients have just the problems you're having - damage that could not be reversed that resulted from sleep-in contact lenses.
Sounds like this occurs once in a while - I really think you need to ask if you should be wearing them to sleep. At the very least I would not wear them to sleep EVER. It only takes 3 mintes to take them out and clean them. You do not want to damage your eyes permanently. My sister got an infection in her eyes and now has a permanent scratch on her cornea which does impact her vision.
I've worn contact lenses for more than 30 years - LOVE them. But as i've goten older I've found that my eyes tolerate them less and less and I wear glasses more often. Of course, at 51, I need reading glasses when I wear contact lenses - so that kind of defeats the purpose!
Call the eye doctor back and ask if there's a presciption that's less costly - you'd be surprised. Also call around - some pharamcies are a lot more expensive than others. But if not - let's face it - how much do you spend on contact lenses? Isn't your vision worth $150?