Extended Summer Visitation Texas (Standard Order)

Updated on July 12, 2010
K.R. asks from Lubbock, TX
12 answers

My ex husband has excercised his 30 day visitation (in writing) for this summer already. He picked her up from school on the last day and kept her 31 days due to an accident in the family. My daughter has been home for 8 days. Now he is wanting to pick her up again for his weekend visitations (1st, 3rd, and 5th). I need to know if he gets his 30 days + his weekends for the remainder of the summer, or if the extended summer visitation overrides the weekend order. Anyone going through this now?

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So What Happened?

I appreciate all of the replies to this question, and the quick answers to my question. I agree with you 100% and have worked out various agreements so that she sees his family more than stipulated in the papers. Unfortunately, he is not, and never has been, the one I am dealing with, it is his mother (who was found guilty of fraud last year). She is the one who exersizes his visitation. He rarely sees his daughter as he is too busy with his girlfriend's children. He has been married and divorced twice since our divorce in 03, had one live in girlfriend and is currently living with a married woman. He has 2 little girls from his second marriage and a little girl from his live in girlfriend. He has voluntarily signed away his rights to all of these kiddos just to avoid child support. I do maintain contact with the girls' mothers though, so that my daughter may be able to know her sisters one day. He has yet to make one payment on CS for his daughter, and I believe he currently has a warrant for his arrest for other reasons. He moves and has different jobs every few months (seriously, not exaggerating). The "family accident" was because my daughter's great aunt had gotten drunk, and jumped head first into a shallow pool causing spinal injuries. Not the type of people I want her to grow up to be. With this being said, would any of you change your opinions of the situation had you known this info to begin with?

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answers from Dallas on

The summer visitation does not override unless it is specified in the papers.Unless there is some problem with him then be thankful he wants to spend time with her. Most women have the opposite problem.

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answers from Dallas on

It is great to see your daughter is loved by both parents. As a child of divorce, I am so greatful my parents always put me and my sisters first no matter the differences they might of been going through at the time. Their sacrafice allowed me to become the woman I am today.

I am not positive but I do believe that the 1st 3rd 5th ruling stays in place even in the summer unless otherwise noted in the visitation papers.



answers from Dallas on

Yes, he still gets his weekends per the order. This is important for your daughter - to know both parents. She has these rights and is lucky to have two parents who love her and want to be with her - now she needs two parents who will do it joyfully for her sake.....good luck!



answers from San Francisco on


Clearly you ask the wrong question. If everything you say is true, it will be easy to have his visitation limited to supervised visitation or revoked all together.

I would have done that before I let my child go for 31 days in the first place.




answers from Dallas on

There are a lot of dads who do not want to have their children. If you feel comfortable that your daughter is safe and attended to with him I would never do anything to hinder that relationship.



answers from Dallas on

I think it probably depends on how the order is written so I can't really comment there but I do think it is great that a dad wants to spend time with his daughter. Dads are extreamly important in a daughters life and if he is a good influence then I personally would let him spend as much time as he can manage with her (even if that meant that both mom and dad went/did events together with daughter). Dads teach girls how other boys and eventually men should treat them. If he is setting a good example it will teach her not to put up with pressure or nonsence from the boys/men in her life. That's a role that I don't think a mom can fully replace. Being a mom I like to think that I can cover all the basis but in reality that's probably not true.



answers from Dallas on

Are you saying that the summer visitation was "extended" because he got her back one day late as a result of a family accident? If so, I hope that you will reflect on the situation and make an attempt to do what is best for your daughter, which is a harmonious relationship. -- My mother-in-law always said that she would marry her ex-husband all over again if she had her life to do over, because that marriage brought her the 2 children. And she refused to talk bad about the man in front of the grown children, because above all else, he was their father. I always admired that rare outlook. -- But maybe you are just asking if he still gets weekends if he also got a 30 day visit. -- My sister has a similar arrangement, and the exhusband gets the full summer, and then immediately picks up with the old every-other-weekend schedule at the end of the summer.

-- Yes, everything is always more complicated than it appears on the surface. Good luck.



answers from Dallas on

I personally have orders like that where the father gets 1 month plus 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends but I get to choose one of their weekends during the summer that I want, it's almost like getting half and half in a way during the summer. What I would suggest is looking at your papers just to be on the safe side because I'm sure people can have different visitation depending on the whole custody situation and the judge. Trust me I know it's frustrating especially if the father isn't wanting to visit with the child with good loving intentions(but that could just be on me). I hope this helps :)



answers from Dallas on

Yes he does get the weekends for the rest of the year. After the month long vivist it goes back to regular visitation (ie 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends). The month is is place of the regualr visits. You could have had her for one weekend during the month, but you have to ask for it. You should read your visitaion order. This is what is starnard, but sometimes people make changes. To add more visitation , ect.



answers from Dallas on

It depends on the order, but usually the standard order in Texas has summer visitation and then the rest of the year. My daughter's says specifically that the dad gets his 30 days, but the rest of the summer is hers, and the weekends begin when school begins and summer vacation is over. CHECK THE ORDER - DON'T JUST TAKE WHAT I SAY OR ANYONE ELSE SAYS AS RIGHT - YOU DON'T WANT TO BE IN CONTEMPT. YOUR ORDER COULD BE DIFFERENT.



answers from Dallas on

yes he does get her for his regular weekends.
ive been thru that...it sucks.

if grandma wants to see her, she can get grandparents rights. it is alot less time than dad, but then she wouldnt have to involve him if he doesnt want to be a part of her life.



answers from Dallas on

If your ex wants to spend time with your daughter , let him go for it.
There are too many absent dads that have visitation rights and never show up even it plans are made.
When I divorced we were in separate states and visitation was 2 months in the summer but I let him keep her for three different school yrs so he could have the chance to be the day to day parent instead of just the fun parent
She's now 29 and has a great relationship with both of her parents.
If she is not being harmed let him have her outside of what the court ordered.
As she gets older, you'll even welcome the additional breaks for some extra me time

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