As far as extended breastfeeding goes, feed away M.!! My only concern would be that if you delay moving forward with solids (still nursing, though) you increase the chance that she won't take to them as easily. Or so the research says. Also, part of eating solids as a toddler is about gaining some independence, doing things for herself (picking up cheerios, soft veggies, etc.). You aren't there yet because you started solids so late, but I would think that you would want her to have that process as well. Although I really don't know how her health concerns play into the feeding process. It is my understanding that most parents who practice extended breastfeeding don't keep the nursing as the main source of nutrition. Rather, they move the child towards solids but continue to nurse in the morning, at night, whatever works for them. That way they keep the bonding experience and health benefits for their child, but also move forward with the process of eating solids/adult food.