When my oldest was 20 months, his nursing slowed down so much that my husband and I were able to distract him from nursing. I was so tired, pregnant with my second, that it worked out great. By 2, my oldest was completely weaned and then a week later my second arrived. At the sight of me nursing little brother, my oldest freaked out- was completely insulted. He asked if he could nurse too, so I told him "Sure" and excitedly, he took off his clothes, tried to put on his jammies but settled for his blanket and sat next to me waiting for his turn. I laugh thinking about it now- it was so cute. Anyhow, so the baby is nursed, burped and sleeping and my Isaac and I climb back into bed and he tried to nurse. He couldnt get it, he had somehow lost his talent of suckling so he cried and demanded that I take it out! I said, here, let me give you some in a spoon. He took one taste and realized, it wasnt for him any longer.
Maybe this is tmi, but they dont ever really forget it. When she longs to nurse, invite her to cuddle with you.
When my second was weaning, it helped him to put his hand between my breast (first under my shirt then over my shirt) but it helped him, so I would not move his hand and he would fall asleep sooner.
There are all kinds of stages of weaning, letting go of the security of mothers arms. Every child adjusts differently.