My daughter attended preschool at DKH when she was four (she is nine now so it has been a while). The ownership was changing as my daughter's time there was finishing so all I can say it I really hope things have changed there since our experience. Our family had just relocated from Florida and that was literally the only preschool I could find with an opening. From the beginning I was less than impressed but I hated to pull her out of her second preschool (the first one being her school in FL). She wasn't treated poorly but I found the things being "taught" less than wonderful. My daughter would come home with so many art projects that were "perfect" and held together by nothing but hot glue so I knew that she was watching while her teacher did things for her. Coming from a school with an A Becka curriculum to a school that was so relaxed about prekindergarten academics was very disappointing. Anyway, as I said before, the ownership had changed so maybe the expectations are a little higher now.
Best wishes in your decision.