If she's not taking a lot of breastmilk anymore, she should be getting formula; don't replace breastmilk with solids. Her diet should still be 90% milk until she's at least 1. Some babies are really efficient nursers though, and can get their full needs in only 3 or 4 nursing sessions a day.
Most fruits and vegetables should be okay now. Maybe some chicken or turkey if you eat meat. You could also add some spices to the things she eats. I would hold off on grains for a few more months yet; their stomachs don't make the enzyme to digest grain until close to 1 year. We often think of noodles and bread as being very delicate easy to digest things but they're not. They're just bland.
I used to make cubes of green beans with oregano, sweet potatoes with cinnamon, chicken and turkey broiled with parsley and thyme. You cook the food, chop it to whatever consistency she likes, stuff it in ice cube trays and freeze it. Then you put the frozen cubes into a container in the freezer and take them out as needed. It beats the heck out of jars!
Just remember to leave 4-7 days in between introducing new foods to check for sensitivites (so be careful with multi-ingredient foods!)