My first baby was the same way! What you may not realize is that your baby just enjoys nursing, even when he isn't hungry. He enjoys your smell and the warmth of your skin as much as he enjoys your milk. When babies nurse, they control the amount of milk they get and sometimes will continue suckling even without drinking. My first baby never took a bottle, pacifier, or any other substitute for mommy. She just wanted me. Yes, it was exhausting at times, but I learned to be a patient, selfless parent, and it made me a better mommy to my other babies when they came along, even though they weren't nearly as fussy.
Don't give up on your little guy. He's just letting you know that he needs YOU. Try to take short breaks (an hour or two) when you know your baby is not hungry, just so you can clear your head. He may cry while you're gone, but hopefully your husband can handle it. One thing my husband always did was give our baby her bath and get her in clean clothes and spend time with her (he would put on music and dance with her!) so I could have a mental break. Even just an hour away would help, and I would come back ready to hold and nurse my baby again. Please believe me that it does get better!