Exclusively Breastfed Infant Having Strange Bowel Movements

Updated on August 05, 2008
E.E. asks from Livermore, CA
38 answers

My son is 11 weeks old and is breastfed exclusively. He had a strange poop two days ago. It was dark greenish with mucus and dark blood in it. All of his poops have been green with mucus since but no more blood. Before this they were always mustard seedy yellow. Sorry to ask about poop but I am concerned and we have no insurance right now so it's either the emergency room or nothing. Has anyone ever experienced this? Is this something I should be worried about? Any idea what caused the change? Other than strange poop he seems completely fine...

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone for all of the resources and good advice. I had been trying to ad him to medi-cal since May but they were taking forever. I called everyday for two months leaving messages with various workers with no returned calls. I finally called and told the person who answered that he needed to see a doctor immediately and she transferred me to yet another person. This time I got a call back within an hour and was able to pick up an emergency medi-cal card and head to the doctor's office. They want me to collect three days worth of stool specimens. He isn't better yet but I feel less anxious now that he has been seen by a doctor and has some temporary insurance. Now I just have to figure out how to get the stool into all of these collection containers before it soaks in the diaper...(ewwwwwww).

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answers from San Francisco on

Neighbors in Health is happening this coming weekend at the Kaiser pediatrics department of Santa Rosa. Free health care..starts at 7 AM.

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answers from San Francisco on

I think you should go to the doctor. its the blood that seems a bit scary, not that I have any experience with it . Its just better to be safe. Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

I would certainly see a doctor to rule out serious issues. My daughter had that and it was an dairy and soy intolerance. I stopped eating dairy and soy and it got rid of the problem.

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi E.,
Dark blood in his poop does not sound good. Are there any low income medical clinics where you live?
There is insurance for babies and children in CA. You could have also gotten it durning pregnancy. I hope this is the link.
http://www.mrmib.ca.gov/MRMIB/MRMIP.shtml Choose the tab that says access for infants and mothers.
I will see a friend who has this insurance later today and ask her. I will write again if this is not the correct information.
Be Well,

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi E.,

My daughter had the same issue as your child at the same age. I was also exclusively breastfeeding. What is you milk supply like? If you have a lot of milk and seem to be engorged you may be dealing with a fore milk/hind milk imbalance. Our bodies produce two kinds of milk- fore milk that the baby first gets when latching on and hind milk after the baby has nursed for a while. Fore milk is higher in sugar and lactose, hind milk is higher in fat and protein. If you baby gets too much fore milk it can casue excess gas, green poops and blood in the stool. A milk allergy can cause this as well. You should consider cutting dairy products out of your diet and see if there is any change. Is your baby gassy, fussy, have sleeping habits changed? My daughter had the same issues and I cut all dairy and wheat products out of my diet and dealt with my excess milk problem and her poop returned to normal. If you are feeling engorged or if baby does a lot of "snacking" (only nursing for few minutes on each side) he may be getting to much foremilk. There are several things that you can do if you suspect it is a foremilk issue. You can email me privately or consult with a lactation consultant. Even if you don't have insurance (I didn't when our daughter was born) I found a drop in breastfeeding class in my local area and spoke to a great consultant on the phone that helped me figure out what was going on and how to fix it. Feel free to contact me if you need any more info. Listen to your instincts and follow your intuition. Hope this helps and enjoy your little one. Congrats!

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answers from San Francisco on

Dear E.,

I would call the emergency room and tell them about the poop change, especially the blood. They should understand your concern and let you know if you should bring him in. Blood is not normal but considering his age there could be a reason. I'd check it out.

There must be clinics that will check babies who are uninsured. Some one out there in the Mamma world might know and hopefully respond.


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answers from San Francisco on

I am sure you will get a lot of e-mail.
When people are having internal bleeding poop is dark and looks more black. When there is rectal bleeding the color is red. Internal bleeding could be dangerous, as you don't know where or why it is occuring.
I think you could go to a peditricians office without insurance, if you call ahead many offices will be willing to provide you with a much more affordable cash payment.
Best wishes,

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answers from Sacramento on

I'm glad you're getting in to see a doctor, but most likely those symptoms are a response to something in your diet that doesn't agree with the baby's system. My daughter had those same symptoms at around that age and it was due to allergens in my diet affecting her. I had to eliminate (and still mostly avoid) dairy, eggs, and soy. The most common culprit is dairy, and it can take up to 2 weeks to get it out of your system and see if that makes an improvement. I would cut out dairy and see if that helps, and if not cut out other allergens that you eat regularly to see if it makes a difference. You can do an internet search for the "top 8 allergens" to see what causes most allergic reactions.

Most babies outgrow their issues within a year or so.

Also, our pediatrician said not to worry about it unless there is so much blood that there's risk of anemia. It's not nearly as scary as it looks, honestly. But do see a doctor.

They may suggest a hypo allergenic formula instead of bfing, but I would try the elimination diet first. (Well, I did and it worked!)

Good luck!

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answers from Fresno on

It is always best to be cautious and get a stool sample. He may just have a viral infection but he may also need medication. Its always best to have him checked out. It is probably cheaper to go to his Pediatrician than the ER.

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answers from Yuba City on

I have the experience with infant twins. One nurses directly and the other takes expressed milk. Once in a while, I noticed some blood in the milk I expressed, along with dark, green stool in their diapers. The La Leche consultant and my doctor, along with a ton of 'googled' information said that sometimes when the milk ducts get overfull, they can leak blood into them, then the resulting baby diapers are gross. But it isn't harmful.

One of my other daughters had a dairy sensitivity where the same experience you had would occur, so like some other mother's posted, I had to cut back on the dairy.

I have 5 children total and have learned to 1) not freak out, and 2) ask in a forum such as this for many, many answers and 3) just call the ped and talk.

Personally I would cut back dairy, and see if that changes anything. As is common sense, if the baby is in pain when passing a bowel movement, take him to the doctor. You may want to call the doctor just as a reassurance, because you will get a lot of advise and answers here, but you are the one who has to make the decision for your little guy!

Take care!

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answers from San Francisco on

My kids are not infants anymore but we have had green poop on several occasions. I read online it was a virus. After a few days it was gone. Have never experienced blood. BUt found this on:
Dairy Sensitivity - Some breastfed babies are very sensitive to certain foods in their mom’s diet. If your baby is having problems with green mucousy stools, blood in his stools, spitting up a lot, or a skin rash, he may be sensitive to something in your diet. Dairy products are one of the most common causes of food allergies in babies. If you think this might be the problem, try eliminating milk and dairy products from your diet. It may take a couple weeks to see results from a dairy elimination diet. You should see improvement in a week or two. If you’re not sure, you can always try it out for a few weeks and then try having a cup of milk to see what happens. If the symptoms come back, then milk is probably the culprit and you will want to avoid it.
I know there are lactaction groups out there, maybe you can get some answers on the phone for FREE.

I am not sure about the blood, but I do know red blod is from the rectum lining/opening and black blood is internal. Hope you can get it checked out.

Best of luck.

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answers from San Francisco on

Blood is not normal. I would take him in. You can see doctors without insurance. Just inform them when you make the appointment that you are cash pay. Unfortunately you will get charged more, but at least it will be cheaper that the emergency room. If it's a money issue as to why you don't have insurance you might want to check out Healthy Families.

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answers from San Francisco on

Dear E.,
I run a preschool and am also a grandmother and mother of 5. My advice is to see a doctor for free at a health clinic. If you live in SF, there are several free clinics - Haight Ashbury, in the Richmond district and in the Sunset, I believe. Also, SF General is supposed to have clinics for free. It may be nothing, but checking with a doctor is important when something changes like that.
That's just myopinion. Also, the option of applying for medi-cal may be within your reach.
Best to you and your newborn. Blessings for only good health.

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answers from Merced on


With the blood, you definitely need to get this checked out. However, may be able to help with the insurance issue--at 11 weeks he should qualify for CHDP or Healthy families (which will cover both your kids) at a very low cost. If you will email me (____@____.com) I will try to find you a center in your area that will have a health advocate who can try and set you up with these--and their services are at no cost.


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answers from Sacramento on


I don't have an answer to your poop question but I can tell you that you have a choice for health care. I work for the state trade association for CA's non-profit community clinics and health centers. All of our community clinics have the same mission- health care access for all and treat everyone regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status. Our clinics are all state licensed facilities that are places of low-cost, quality health care. To find a community clinic in your area, please visit: http://www.cpca.org/resources/findclinic/.

Hope this helps.

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi E.,

First of all you guys should get on Medi-Cal. It's not had to get on it and you get the same kind of care as most other insurances. I was on it about a year and a half ago and I had a good experience with it. You could also check out the AIM Program. I think they offer insurance to infants and children.

About the poop, you could always call a doctor's office or Kaiser Permanente and just ask their opinion/advice on it. It doesn't sound like it's anything too serious, but I know how we moms can get about things. Maybe he has a little stomach bug or something. Maybe it's nothing. I seem to remember my kids' poops looking how you described it when they were breastfeeding. I don't think you have anything to worry about. You should call a professional and ask them though. Just to rest your mind.

Good luck with everything! :)

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answers from San Francisco on

The "mustard" movements are normal, that's what most infant poop looks like. The blood and mucus do not sound normal at all. Babies always have at least one or two dark green bowel movements in their first week which is the meconium. Usually dark blood in the stool is not a good sign. Even if you don't have insurance you can still take him in to see a pediatrician. Depending on where you go and what you have done it should only cost around 150 for the visit. (that doesn't include lab work etc.) I would call Healthy Families/MediCal RIGHT NOW and sign up. Babies need to be seen often for shots and regular well baby check ups. As with all parenting, try not to worry. You're baby is probably fine but I would get it checked out if I were you.
Good Luck!

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answers from Sacramento on

Hi E., the same thing happened to my daughter at about the same time. I took her in and the lactation consultant said it was a dairy sensitivity that appearently often occurs around this time in their development. I had to cut out ALL dairy from my diet for over a week to see a change in her stool but I did notice a nursing difference within days. The blood went away but the stool still had a green tint to it. I also noticed some nursing issues on certain days more than others and was able to trace it all back to what I ate. I also had to cut out soy. I had a friend whos baby was three months younger than mine and she went through the same process. Both the dairy and soy needed to be out completely before there was "perfect poop" but we are telling all our friends with the same issues. It usually works out to be those and sometimes can be linked to another common allergen like wheat. So here comes the fun part, experiment around with your diet and read ALL the lables. I found the easiest way to notice something was to cut out all the foods that were high on the allergen list and then add them in one week at a time. If I noticed a problem with her nursing, gas, stool, or mood then I just removed that food again. It really worked! Hang in there. You can find a solution. If the blood doesn't greatly reduce in 2-3 days and go away completely in 9, still take him in to see the doctor.

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answers from San Francisco on

This happpened with our little girl about the same time, and my midwife, pediatrician and my online research said this is normal. It has happened a few times since. The green mucusy poo is his body getting rid of bad stuff, allergy or for us just a bug, in a normal way. I took a little more vitamin C around this time because I am breastfeeding. The blood, as long as it's not "bloody", like a cut or your period, is also a normal shedding of intestinal layers.
If your feeling is that it is a serious matter, trust your instincts and call a Dr. But if not watch it, keep yourself and baby healtrhy as you can and it should go away.
Good Luck!

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi E.,

I am not sure about the blood part, but my son (exclusively breastfed too) also had a few green bowel movements recently. I looked it up online and found there is one main culprit. They say he is getting too much of the foremilk and not enough hindmilk (the rich fatty milk). So, they suggest to ensure your son is nursing for a long time on one breast before switching to the other breast. Maybe you are switching him too soon so he never gets the rich fatty milk. Good luck!



answers from Stockton on

check into the countys free clinic most countys have them and they are based on your income. I am not sure whare you live but I would check into it and get your baby to the doctor just in case.



answers from Sacramento on

My daughter was 2 weeks old when something similar happened to her. I took her to the ER cause the blood scared me to death. It turned out to be a milk protein allergy. They did blood tests to determine this and I went to a follow up apt. with her pediatrician. I was told to stop eating all dairy products and we also supplemented with Nutramigen formula when a bottle was neccesarry. The mucus and blood ended as soon as I stopped the dairy. It wasn't easy but I continued to nurse until she was 7 mo. old. Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

Hi E.,

Your baby is getting what you are eating or drinking all day.

I am introduced to a Child's Wellness Expo this Sat Aug 2 in Sunnyvale. There will be 13 doctors from around the country putting this event together to educate parents how to live in a healthier environment so we stay healthy.

If this is something you are interested in send me an email and I will send you a flier and put you on the guest list as we have limited seating.

Wish you well.

N. Marie



answers from San Francisco on

I agree with the majority. Mucus is allergies and irritated bowels. My son had the same thing. It was allergy to milk protein. He cried 24/7 for 3 weeks until we tested and found out about it. Then I cut out all dairy and continued to breastfeed. within 3 days the crying stopped completely. Best of luck and it seems like you've gotten a lot of good advice on insurance options as well. These women are very helpful.



answers from Sacramento on

I don't know about your circumstances, but you should try applying for Healthy Families for your children's health care... I know that no insurance can be a scary thing.



answers from Salinas on

I have to tell you that I am very happy that you have been able to get some temperary insurance and are seeking a doctors advise. I would like to tell you how serious this CAN BE. My husband was having strange bowel movements prior to Christmas and did not tell me, because he thought nothing of it. They were dark green/black. A couple of days after Christmas he told me what was going on, and I insisted he call his doctor right away. That night he slept in the family room, because he needed rest before returning to work from vacation (our now 16mo old daughter has never been a good sleeper). He got up to go to the bathroom and passed out on the walk there. He hit his head on the toilet. When he came-to, he stood up to come tell me what happened, took a few steps, and again passed out. Ultimately, he crawled down the hallway and told me with slurred speech that he could not walk. I had to carry him over my back to the car, load him in, go back inside and pack a bag for the baby (blanket, toys, diapers, snacks), load her and all her gear in the car. I ran into the ER and begged them to take him immediately, because I could not carry him again, plus baby. He ended up being admitted to the hospital for three days. They transfused 4 pints of blood. I am told depending on size, you only have 8-9 pints in your body. To this day his blood count is still low. He had a bleeding ulcer in his stomach. The doctor told me that you can literally bleed completely out, without ever breaking the skin. I AM NOT SAYING YOU ARE HAVING THE SAME SITUATION. I am just very, very happy that you can recognize when to be concerned. GOOD INSTINCTS MAMA!!!!!! I hope everything turns out well!!!!



answers from San Francisco on

If there is ever blood in the stool it can be serious- take him in for sure.



answers from San Francisco on

you can take your baby to valley medical off of bascom and they will not charge you if you qualify for or if your medium income they will bill you and you can pay $25 a month.... So take your baby to the doctor as soon as you can...better safe than sorry you listened to wives tales



answers from Salinas on


That's one of those things you should really get checked out. I don't want to scare you, but please see a doctor ( Doctors on Duty- not the ER, they're cheaper) or a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) as soon as you can.
Blood and mucous in stool shouldn't be overlooked.

Most importantly keep nursing, and don't supplement with any formula. It's not your milk that is the problem.

Best of luck!



answers from Sacramento on

Years ago, my two year-old finally told me that she had stomach aches after she drank cow milk. I had no clue why she was so colicy as a baby before. I had no idea that what we eat/drink affects breastmilk.



answers from Stockton on

Take him in, even if it is to county. You may want to call your local ped. to find out their office visit cost, so you know before going in. It is probably not the visit that will cost you but tests and meds. Still, it is not worth the chance of something going really wrong.
I know it is difficult these days without health care. Look into clinics, they do a lot of good. Good Luck.



answers from San Francisco on

My baby has had the greeninsh mucus poop too and I was told it means she is getting more foremilk and not enough hindmilk and I should make sure she nurses longer on each side. I don't don't know about the blood. Good luck



answers from San Francisco on

Mucus in the poop means there could be an infection. You should take him to the doctor today. Just last week my daughter had a urine infection and one of the things they asked was if there was either mucus or blood in her poop.

I had to give them a stool sample for them to do lab work on just in case.



answers from Sacramento on

It has been a long time since I've dealt with this issue, but you comment about lack of insurance is why I am writing. Call Cover the Kids at 1-866-850-4321. They are a locally funded agency that matches families with no insurance for their kids to available plans. Many families pay little or nothing for the coverage. They can help for kids/youth through age 18.

Good luck.




answers from San Francisco on

Defintaly get it checked out. Have you started to take any new meds or eating something new that be upsetting his system? Everything you eat or put into your body he getts to. just a thought
hope everything is ok.



answers from San Francisco on

Think about what you ate in the past two days. My son had mucusy poop because he was allergic to dairy, soy and nuts. When I ate these things, he would have terrible cramps and his poop would become watery, mucusy and so on. Change your diet. Infants could be sensitive to wheat and eggs as well. Hope this helps.



answers from San Francisco on

Something might be wrong...hence the blood--I'd call the Doctor immediately!

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