I had the hairiest legs and arms as a girl and kids at school made fun of me :( But I was secure enough that it didn't ruin my self-esteem, but of course it made me feel bad. I was so hairy that at my 4-year-old checkup my doctor asked my mom if I had pubic hair already. He was concerned that I had hormone problems. But nope--just hairy, nothing else to it. I have to shave my arms and legs and wax my eyebrows weekly and I'm saving up for electrolysis. It's annoying, but I still feel attractive and my husband never complains (it helps that I shave). I even have a cowlick on my back. I know it sounds disgusting, but my back is probably as hairy as most people's arms, and I've gotten used to it and learned to be confident in spite of my hair.
When I was little my mom told me I was allowed to shave my legs as soon as I wanted to. She also bought me Nair (which eats the hair away) to try after coming home sad one day from being made fun of. As she was applying the Nair she wanted to be careful not to hurt me, so she asked if it was burning. I said, "Yes," even thought it was not burning at all because I was embarrassed (shaving was as embarassing to me as puberty and periods when I was 10). Secretly I really wanted the hair gone very badly and I wanted her to keep applying the Nair, but my aunt was there and I was just embarrassed by all the attention and so I lied about it burning. Silly kids and what goes on in their minds.