Yes, at this age and at other age-juncture phases, they think everything is a 'crises.'
Your Daughter, is normal.
A kid at 2 years old, does NOT have fully developed 'emotions' nor the capacity to then articulately say, the exact word, for their feelings or frustrations.... nor the ability in how to deal with it in tandem, of said frustration.
AND they do not have, "coping-skills' to then deal with, their said frustrations or preferences.
So, that makes for a frustrated Toddler.
And some kids, do not even know how to 'ask for help' either. That is also, taught. Role-play with her. Practice. Give her the words to use, that she can say. They do not know that, instinctively.
"Coping-skills" are taught. It needs to be taught, not expected.
"Expectations" of a child, are not, coping-skills.
"Expectations" of a child, are not an easily attained thing, for a child, either.
If you give a child this age 'choices' of things to do/pick... they don't even 'know' how to choose, yet, either. So even that may be a frustrating thing, for a child.
Because- They do.not.yet.have.... the ability for succinct "deductive" thought processes.
Children's frontal lobes are still growing and don't mature until sometime in early adulthood.
A child does not come automatically able to understand all emotions like an adult can or cannot. Nor do they 'know' the names for all of their feelings. And then the brain is not even fully developed, until 26 years old.
So, age development and all its abilities, does come in stages, and the child's ability, to cope, with difficulty and abstract concepts/communication/knowing their feelings etc.
It takes, learning and parental guidance, in 'mastering' these various frustrations. And, teaching them 'how' to communicate their feelings, and teaching the names for their feelings. A kid does not automatically know that. It is taught.
"Mastering" frustrations, in a young child, takes time.
2 years old, is nothing.
3 and 4 years old, is harder.
Even at 5 or 6, they are fussy.
Then at the Pre-Teen and Teen ages, they are fussy too.
"Patience" is not something immediately 'mastered' nor understood by a 2 year old, completely.
Some adults, do not even have that mastered, yet.
So why expect... a 2 year old to be patient and to understand patience.
It also takes, having 'expectations' of a child, be age-appropriate. Otherwise, frustration of child and then parent, will always be irksome.
Also, keep in mind the child's motor-skill ability, per age.
A child this age for example, cannot dress or undress, by themselves. Per their motor-skills and coordination. So even if they try and try and try again... they still may not be able to do it, perfectly.
Just encourage "trying your best" sort of thing, and help when needed.
For me, I don't keep telling my kid to try and try and try and try again, if they are clearly not able to do it or are having a major melt-down over it.
They, per their motor-skills, simply may not be able to do it, accurately.
To deter flipping-out.... does she nap? A tired toddler/kid, will have less tolerance and patience for things. Tiredness = a fussy kid.