Hi V., Do you mean that your leg is numb down the center of your thigh from the top to your knee? Does it tingle sometimes? Does it hurt like crazy sometimes so that even the weight of a sheet is too much? If the answer to any of these questions is yes....then let me help you now! I suffered with that for YEARS while doctors "patted my head" and told me it was all "in my head"! It started after my first c-section. I had an epidural that didn't take all the way (my left side was numb the right wasn't) and then I had a spinal (that worked) 18 1/2 years ago. I had two more c-sections & two more spinals. The pain & numbness came and went. It got worse when I went back to work (lots of hours on my feet) and eased just a bit when I wasn't. Sometimes the pain was crazy and I couldn't even hold a child on my lap. Sometimes the numbness was crazy and I couldn't feel my keys in my pants pocket! When my youngest was 3 we moved to PA and I got a new doctor and told him about the pain/numbness and begged him to find out what the problem was but I wasn't going to suffer through another nerve conduction test!! I had gone through 3 of them with no results. Thank God for my new doctor. We started with an MRI & back xrays (No one else thought to do that!) and my problem was discovered right away. I had a buldging disk in my lower back!! It was pressing on the nerve that wraps around and down the front of the thigh. So I had little to no back pain....but my right leg was a mess!! So, no, I didn't do back surgery I went to a re-hab doctor at Health South who gave me a couple of shots in the muscle around the disk and sent me to physical therpy. Thank you Thank you Thank you for a couple of Doctors that listened to me!! After a few weeks of pt I was almost completely back to normal after suffering for 8 years!! It's been 10 years since then....I still have some numbness/pain in my leg if I do to much....but I have excersizes from pt that I can do for my back that gets me right back into the swing of things. And as the years pass there is less and less of a problem. I still feel to this day that all this was because of the epidural! I wish I would have gotten the pt right away and avoided all those years of pain/numbness! If your leg doesn't return to normal in a couple of weeks talk to your doctor and insist that they do an MRI to check for a buldging disk so you don't suffer like I did! Congrats on your baby!! Best wishes & good luck