i can't answer about specific area but my daughter is undergoing the same surgery (same circumstances then some) in july. i did change doctors (because we changed states). her first surgery was when she was five years old, 4 months later she had an ear infection and the eardrum collapsed. this time around, they are building her eardrum using synthetic material (combined with her skin from the back of the ear). reason being the new eardrum won't be as flexible as a natural one but will be stronger.
now, find out why the eardrum collapsed in the first place. i know you said due to ear infection, my daughter's collapse was helped by the fact that there was negative pressure in her ear due to poor performing eustachian tube. my daughter will be 9 next week. according to her docs, this won't change for her, that is why they are building a stronger eardrum this time around, so that it is stronger to ear infections and negative pressure.
also, i do recommend the surgery, even if it is for the second or even third time, reason being to preserve the three tiny hearing bones which are located behind the eardrum. my daughter lost one of those tiny bones due to ear infections, and she has complete hearing loss in that one ear.