I had pretty bad endo, fibroids, and polyps in my uterus. They told me I had unexplained infertility. I had the laparascopic procedure down. Was on Lupron to shrink the fibroids, etc. The endo grew back even worse. New fibroids grew in place of the removed ones. Yes, I had 2 open abdominal myomectomies to remove 6 fibroids. This all occured within a 4 year span.
Then I finally figured that there must be something more natural I could do to be more healthy and to combat the endo, fibroids, and polyps. I found a good Naturopath who put me on the right track towards balancing my hormones, cleansing out my organs, and altering my diet. When I stuck with the correct diet, my fibroids stopped growing and eventually started to shrink. Over the last 3 years we have been monitoring my fibroids. 5 weeks ago I had a laparascopic hysterectomy where they removed my uterus. My OB was amazed at what she saw. 2 of my fibroids were gone, and I had just a few little areas of endo. Nothing compared to what she saw when I had my c-section 3 years ago. So I am living proof that holistic ways and the right diet DO work.
I have other issues (Fibromyaglia) and low thyroid that I am constantly working on. Trust me, without Dr. Kohani and my supplements and diet, I would be in far worse shape than I am now. There were times that I could barely crawl out of bed because of the pain. Now I am a functioning FT Stay At Home Mom. Before I was a fully in pain, FT Stay At Home Mom.
www.revivamed.com My Integrative Specialists name is Dr. Roya Kohani
She was trained by Dr. Andrew Weil. You can google him. His site has a section for Women's Issues. Lots of good information about the Anti Inflammatory Diet (Which if you really look at it, is the diet that we are all supposed to be on whether you have health issues or not).
You can PM me if you have any questions.