You're not the only one! I have always been a "baby person." Love babies, babies love me. I was always the one who played with the kids, the one who always volunteered to watch the little ones. I thought this whole mom thing would come so easily to me and be so much fun. I thought, "I have such a good time with other people's babies, it's going to be so wonderful taking care of my own baby." Well, I soon found out that one of the best thing about other people's kids is that I can always return them to their parents!
Not, of course, that I don't love my baby, but yes, the irrevocableness of one's own child can be a little overwhelming. For the first several months, I think part of me saw motherhood as an extended babysitting gig, as if the baby's parents would eventually come back home, pay me my $10, and let me go back to my real life. Of course, this never happened.
All you hear is how wonderful, magical, enchanting babies are. No one tells you that taking care of them can be downright boring. When they're little, they can't really DO anything. And even when they get older and more interactive, repetition is a big part of life. There are days when I think, "If I have to sing 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' one more time, I'll scream."
For me, it hasn't really been a matter of it getting easier or better. I think I've developed better coping mechanisms. I've met a lot of other moms through moms' groups, so we do playdates and girls nights out. These have been a lifesaver. And I've gotten to know my baby as his own little person, and happily, I like him. There are still days when I desperately need a break, but for the most part, I just try to enjoy this time with my child. It has gone by so fast, and I know someday all too soon I'll be wondering what happened to his babyhood.
In the meantime, is there anything you can do to try to find an outlet for your creativity so that you don't feel that who you really are is subsumed under the roles of mom and homemaker? Are there certain household chores that you can let go every now and then? Anyone who can take care of the baby once in awhile so you can do something for yourself? You owe it to both yourself and your baby to take care of YOU.
Good luck, and know that you're not alone.