I'm a mom to 2 yo twin boys and I work full time. It took me a long time to figure out my routine and it was a lot of trial and error. One thing I've accepted is that i have to take my shower before the boys wake up. When I first went back to work, this meant I was getting up at 4:30 because the boys were very early risers. Now that they are a little older I'm able to sleep in to 5:45.
My boys also go to bed early - now it's around 7:00pm so I usually only have 2 - 2 1/2 hours with them in the evening. Not very much time. When I get home, all my attention is given to the boys. I don't clean, I don't do chores, 100% of my attention goes to them. During this time my husband is also giving all of his attention to the boys. I am lucky in that my husband does all of the cooking so he makes dinner :) It was hard at first to forget the world and other pressing needs and just focus on the kids, but I'm so glad I do this because it is the only way I'm able to form a relationship with them and they know they are important to me.
During the past 2 years I've also had to change my expectations. Cleaning is at the bottom of my to do list. My house is a mess! In fact my MIL is coming over today and the bathroom is disgusting. Oh well, life goes on. When I really need to, I am capable of planning ahead and getting things organized - but I've learned to let go and just go with the flow.
Good luck!