Discuss with your financial planner to decide whats best for you. We recently started an Education IRA for our son through the Virginia State Plan. You can start one in any state, it does not need to be the state you reside in, and your child can go to school pretty much anywhere in the US. Its set up like a Roth, our money grows tax free in the account (divided into mutual funds of varying risk/ror) and as long as he uses it in some way for school (tuition, books, supplies, room/board, fees etc) it will remain tax free. The account belongs to me, not him, so there is no way for him to "take the money and run." If he chooses not to go to college, or winds up not having any expenses for college, or if there is money left over when he's done, we can transfer the account to any family member, including me or my hubby if we choose to go back to school. Anyone who wishes to contribute to his education fund can do so easily. Since your kids are under 8, you could put in as little as 25/mo and see an enormous savings by the time they are ready for school.
This is important though - make sure that you are taking care of your retirement first. DH maximizes his retirement savings plan at work, and we contribute the maximum amounts in our IRAs before we put money in our kid(s) education plans. Your kids can earn scholarships, and you and they can always get tax deductible education loans, but there are no scholarships or loans to cover the cost for retirement.