YEAH! On the breastfeeding!!!! Honestly, your milk has the perfect nutrition for your baby through 12 months. Introducing solids at about 6 months is great, but really they should be a supplement to your breastmilk. As baby gets older your son will want more and more solid foods. Let him help you navigate through the food thing.
You may also want to google: baby led weaning. It introduces table foods instead of purees. Soft cooked veggies like broccoli and parsnip are great starters. (and fyi...baby's are just as likely to choke on a puree as they are a piece of very soft cooked broccoli.) Their gums are pretty hard and soft cooked veggies get chewed up just fine. The benefit: you're introducing the REAL taste and texture of food. I did this with my daughter, she will be 2 next month. Honestly, the child eats anything I put in front of her. There are a couple of things she just isn't fond of... like green peppers. But I have NO issues getting her to eat a balanced diet. Every other mom I know who has a toddler, can't get them to eat anything but pasta and french fries. I don't have that issue. She eats what we eat.
As baby gets more and more coordinated and gets more active, he will want more food. He'll let you know what he needs. Baby's are really good at making sure basic needs are met.
Good luck!