Neither! My 2 year old figured it out on a small trike we got her, and then she was able to do the Radio flyer.
My 3 yr. old son has a Radio Flyer tricycle and a Fisher Price Big Wheel Trike with a push handle. I've tried to teach him on both and he just doesn't want to push the pedals. Which bike is better for him to learn on. Thank you. Bernie
Neither! My 2 year old figured it out on a small trike we got her, and then she was able to do the Radio flyer.
My son has a tricycle and a bike with training wheels. My first son didn't have any issues, his birthday is in January. My second is having issues, his birthday is in September. So I don't know if age or personality is the factor. My husband is having some success with going down the driveway..the constant going is helping him. Good Luck
My 3 year old couldn't do her big wheel or tricycle. We bought her a bike with training wheels and she took off right away. It will click soon enough.
My 3.5 yo finally started pedaling last week. We've had that darn bike assembled over a year, and for some reason he didn't want to put the effort in until just recently. I think it helped for him to keep seeing kids his own age pedaling.
Exactly the same. It will just click one day. Our daughter took a while to master hers and then all of a sudden was motivated and did it.