Being that you lost you mucus plug it can take up to 2 weeks for you to go into actual labor but it does not ness have to be that long, it can happen at anytime. Ilost mine and my baby came a weeklater. Haave they checked to see how much you have dialated or if you are even dialated yet. I was 4 cen dialated and they still would not induce me so everytime I left L&d I had a nasty attitude(lol) cause I was ready to get that big baby out. I am qite sure you are going to the doctor every week now since you are so close, but just be careful about everything you do cause stress can cause you to go into labor as well.I think thats how mine started. Iwas working until the day I had my baby and I missed a mandatory meeting because of car trouble and I was so bothered by it that when I got home my water broke(Thank God0 But everything went ok in my labor.