Hi Mommas! I have gotten such wonderful advice on here that I figured I would ask you about this. My husband and I are trying for our second child. We have a 10 month old and have experienced pregnancy loss and infertility troubles. Since we want more than one child my doctor advised us to strike while the iron is hot. We would LOVE to make an addition to our family. The pregnancy loss we experienced occurred in 2003 and was an advanced tubal pregnancy that ruptured. We got pregnant with our son using the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. We are using it again. I started my period on Sept. 28 and ovulated around day 22 of my cycle. I am currently on day 31 of my cycle. I am having the following symptoms....motion sickness like feeling, some sudden headaches and feeling very tired. I hope that we are pregnant! But tonight I started feeling some pressure on my right side, about in line with my navel. My concern is that I could be having another tubal pregnancy. I lost my left tube and almost my life when I had the ruptured tubal preg. 5 years ago. Does anyone know if that pressure like feeling is related to normal pregnancy? Has anyone experienced that? Is it too early to have symptoms at all of a regular or tubal pregnancy? I knew I was pregnant with my son about one week after I ovulated because I just felt different......I feel like I could be but tests have come back negative so far. Going to test again soon. Anyone been through this and have advice? I would really appreciate it. I am praying that it is not a tubal. That was a very bad experience and I do not think I am prepared to go through that again.
I think it might be a little too early to tell. But good luck and I hope you are pregnant.
It could end up being nothing to be concerned about, but I would call your doctor to be safe. There's no way of knowing for sure unless you go, especially with your history.
I hope you are pregnant, I never had this problem, but I do know sometimes, not all the time before I start I've felt like that. Also, I took 3 pregnancy test with my second son before it said I was pregnant... so just because it says "negative" doesn't always mean, blood test will tell right away... call your doctor and see if you can come in for one.
Good Luck and God Bless!