Ear Wings

Updated on March 09, 2012
R.B. asks from Decorah, IA
5 answers

Ok Im sure that's not the technical name for them... but that's what my Grandma always called them :) Im talking about the hair right in front of your ears and like mine are always shorter than your hair and always stick out when my hair is pulled back.

Is there a way to make this area grow? My hair there is only about 3 inches long ( always is and has always been as long as I can remember)... the rest of my hair is about 4-6 inches past my shoulders. I don't like my hair touching the back of my neck so I usually always wear it pulled back ( bun, braid or pony tail) unless we are going some where nice, then I will wear it down.

Even on a normal day I always have to remember to tuck it back or it sticks straight out ( well curves out) I will use bobby pins to keep them back if I'm going somewhere but the bobby pins bother me and usually end up poking me in the head or slip out so I just end up taking them out.

Have you ever had any luck getting that area to grow? Or know of a trick to help the hair there grow longer? Its not a huge deal just some days its more annoying than others...

Thank you!

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More Answers


answers from St. Louis on

They do grow it is just hair falls out and new hair grows, that is all it is, new growth.

I have thick curly hair and I figure one or both of those qualities cause new growth to be more obvious. I just know all the girls I was jealous of in school didn't have that problem and they had fine straight hair. :(

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answers from Richmond on

I love mine! When it's really humid, I put all my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head, and all these little curlies frame my face :)

It won't grow like the rest of your hair, but you can spray hairspray directly into your hand and slick it back behind your ears if it bugs you :) Keep a small thing of vaseline in your purse to tame those pesky fly aways when it comes undone during the day.

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answers from Lynchburg on


I do not have this issue...but my 'preemie' daughters do (they are now 15).

One of the twins has developmental delays...so I still 'do' her hair...and I spritz it with a gel and water combo in a cheap spray bottle. It does not 'plaster' it...but makes it lay flat for the better part of the day.

Interested to hear other responses...

Best Luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hair gel. They will never grow I am so sorry to say. Wish they would! I use a plethora of anti frizz, curling lotion and God knows what else to tame my hair into a ponytail that doesn't fly away.



answers from Minneapolis on

My daughter and I have the same issue. Try using a flat iron and a brush to get them to be straight down.

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