Hello E.,
I would not have the tube removed yet. My son had a similar issue. What we found was that his adenoids were blocking his nose passage way and his glands that the ear canal drains into when he got sick. Because of that, his ears kept leaking even with drops. Once we had his adenoids removed, he resolved his ear issues in less than 8 months, going from constant drainage to one a month, then to every few months, till none. I think if you remove the tubes now, your little one will continue to have fluid and ear infections with no place for it to drain. My son almost lost his hearing because of his ears having so many infections. I would caution you greatly before getting them removed. I would recommend getting a second opinion on this one. You need to find out what is causing all the fluid build ups before getting them out. My son is 7 now and is hearing fine, but when they first put tubes in, his hearing was really low and he had to have a speech therapist to work with him to correct his phonemic awareness and pronunciation. I think it may save you a lot of trouble if you can find the cause of these infections. Good luck and prayers for you and your little girl.