Ear Piercing Question

Updated on October 08, 2010
E.M. asks from Boulder, CO
8 answers

My daughter turned 5 yesterday and really wants her ears pierced. I was thinking of going to Claire's but I have a couple of questions first. Do I need to call ahead to make sure two people will be there? I think she will need to get them both done at the same time. I remember getting mine done at 8 and I wouldn't let the nurse near my other ear for 45 mins after the first was done. Also, which metal is least likely to cause irritation? Gold? I notice they also have stainless steel choices.

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So What Happened?

Thanks! I called ahead and made sure there were two gals there. My daughter was such a champ. I was totally prepared to have her back out but she never wavered and didn't even flinch! She paid for the earrings with a full bag of pacifiers that she left at the store. :).

BTW, we went with gold.

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answers from Chicago on

My advice is to get gold. Fewer people are allergic to gold than any other substance for earrings. Personally, I can only wear 14k or higher in my ears, otherwise, they get infected. It's sad, because that means no fashion earrings for me- only expensive ones! Have fun with it!

More Answers


answers from Kokomo on

Have you considered a reputable, popular tattoo and peircing place in your community?
The be by far the cleanest, professional, and know the most about whatever questions you might have. Any sucessful(not backalley) place will uphold and maintain without fail extremely high standards in reguard to the peicing. For a place like that this is their chosen profession for which they have a lot of training and experience. They are not a teenager working at a boutique to get a discount on jewelry.

When I got mine done, as well as when my daughter decides she wants hers done, I will do both at the same time. Why having the impending nervousness of it more than once, you don't want her to freak out with the second one becuase the first one hurt. I think most children are typically done at once to avoid any struggles
I would call to see if you need an appointment, and say the age of your daughter and the intent of doing both at once.



answers from New London on

My daughter is 3 and is already asking for pierced ears - Im pretty sure she got it from seeing other girls at her daycare. I inquired about how/when/where to do it and as it turns out one of the doctor's at my daughter's pediatricians office does it. I plan to do it there when we do it. Just another option to look into. Good luck.



answers from Atlanta on

I would go talk to the local tattoo place. I always got stainless steel. . Also they will be able to answer any questions and are more professional than the teens you get at the local mall. Most have to have training, etc. I would call them. If you need to you can email my Uncle Scottie. you can google Studio X Jasper, GA. And i'm sure he can answer anything.



answers from San Diego on

I had my daughter's ears pierced at Claire's and made an appointment for two people to be there. Better safe then sorry! I had gold for her starter set, but don't remember why.

Good luck!



answers from South Bend on

Definitely call ahead! We just showed up with my daughter and they didn't have two people there and we had to leave and come back.

Just a trick of the trade. Get some Ambesol (teething gel) and apply it before going in. It really cut the pain for my daughter. It actually numbs it some. They will use alcohol to wash the earlobe before they pierce her, so be sure you put it on a little while before you get there, but no so long that it wears off. I put it on an hour before we went and then a dab again before we went into the store.

Good luck.


answers from Sharon on

gold is very good and i would call in an advance. they do take a break in between ears good luck



answers from Chicago on

I think it depends on the stores - the Claires near me do it at the same time. I believe Gold is the best metal. My sister had very sensitive ears and could only wear gold.

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