Are you serious? "I just don't want to waste my time". I'm appalled by this! How could a mother ever say her child's health is a waste of time? Ok, so maybe you get to the doctor and his ears are just fine. Oh, no. A whole hour of your day is gone. But isn't it worth KNOWING what your little boy is going through? After reading some of your other posts, it seems he cries alot and you're not doing anything about it. Haven't you even considered that there could be some underlying cause for this?
Make an appointment and get him into a doctor. Like another mom said, if the doctor gives you an attitude like you're wasting his/her time, find a new doctor. Doctor's go into their profession to help people, and they shouldn't be making them feel bad for being concerned. You need to be your child's advocate. No one knows our children better than we do. You need to step up and do what's right for your little boy.