The eczema I've referred to in past posts is dyshidriotic. I have it on my right foot and in the past year a little bit on my inner index fingers and inner left thumb. I've had it since at least high school, possibly middle school. I didn't know what it was then, though, and actually my mom assumed it was something like athletes foot and would put that cream on it. Of course it didn't work, but she never took me to a dermatologist.
Anyway. I go to a dermatologist for mine, and if one of my daughters had it I would take her too. I suggest you do the same.
I avoid putting anything drying on it, fragranced, and I'm allergic to lanolin so nothing with lanolin.
I avoid high fructose corn syrup and artificial food dyes.
I also avoid all artificial sweeteners. Those are THE WORST. They not only make my eczema flare ups worse, but my migraines and pain flare ups too. They're also very dehydrating. They don't have any health benefits unless you're diabetic, so my recommendation to anyone is to stay the eff away from artificial sweeteners of all kinds unless you're diabetic.
You might also keep a food journal and see if the eczema flares up when she eats certain foods or drinks.
If you suspect certain foods might be a culprit, try eliminating those foods one by one a month at a time and record it in the journal. After a month reintroduce the food and see what happens.
You can get help from a nutritionist.