J.---Check for any reports at www.nvic.org. It's a great source for pros/cons and other basic info on all sorts of vaccines. You can also get some info at www.askDrSears.com. Good luck. D.
Edit note: I'm pretty sure that the Dr. Sears' write their own books. But ask them that question on their website if you want to be sure. Actually, I will be seeing Dr. Jim in Chicago next Mon, Aug 9. I will ask and then get back to you. This info is found at the nvic website:
About NVIC
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is a national, non-profit educational organization founded in 1982. The oldest and largest consumer organization advocating the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections in the mass vaccination system, NVIC is responsible for launching the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America in the early 1980's.
Our Mission
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is dedicated to the prevention of vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to defending the informed consent ethic. As an independent clearinghouse for information on diseases and vaccines, NVIC does not promote the use of vaccines and does not advise against the use of vaccines. We support the availability of all preventive health care options, including vaccination, and the right of consumers to make educated, voluntary health care choices.
Our Work
NVIC provides assistance to those who have suffered vaccine reactions; promotes research to evaluate vaccine safety and effectiveness, as well as to identify factors which place individuals at high risk for suffering vaccine reactions; and monitors vaccine research, development, regulation, policy-making and legislation. NVIC works to protect the right of citizens to exercise the human right to informed consent to medical interventions which carry a risk of injury or death for themselves or their children, including vaccination.