If she's a nurturer by nature :-) there are a bunch of *imagine* series games out there that my daughter LOVED when she got her DS at 6. You can take care of bunnies or horses or babies. Or she can be a fashion designer, own your own store or have a sleepover.
Cooking mama is GREAT and there is no reading - you have to mix cake batter and flip burgers and match ingredients together (ie - what would make a pizza?).
You can also find out what language she will take once she gets to 1st grade and they have beginner series of that language that uses pictures more than words to match with the foreign languae word - ie picture of a horse and then the spanish word for horse.
I would also encourage you to go ahead and get another stylus. Each time my daughter lost hers she had to "work" to earn $$$ to buy it - she only lost 2 and is now MUCH more responsible about keeping track of it. But this way you have it on hand.... just in case YOU need her to play on the DS lol!!!!