Well what time do you put him to nap????
Oh sorry, you said between 9:30-10:00am....
well that is what my son did at that age...and he always woke in the morning by 7:00am.
He still napped twice a day at that age... sometimes 3 times....
Actually, an 'over-tired" baby/child... has a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep and sleeping fully.
Your baby IS tired...
what is your pre-nap routine????
Are yo u feeding him/nursing him before naps???
12 months old, was/is also a growth-spurt period... and their intake needs increases and frequency of feedings...
Also, where.. are you putting him down for naps? Meaning, are you out on the road or in a stroller for him to nap? Or is this at home... in his crib and that is the routine? My kids for example, would NOT nap anywhere else, besides at home. They were not 'portable' nappers... and would NOT nap anywhere/in a stroller/in a car... no matter how tired they were.
Here is a link for you: (on how much sleep a baby needs):