Having already done this THREE times, I can speak from experience. I, too, took Driver's Ed in HS where it was taught by some off-season coach who let us do pretty much what we wanted. Thankfully, it was a small town in west Texas!! Anyway, we sent all three of our children to a driving shool. Yes, it's more expensive that the Parent teaching route; but, we're all still alive today! Seriously, neither my husband or myself have the temperment to teach our children how to drive. It was all we could do to teach them how to drive a stick shift. The driving schools have the kids do the required hours of class room and behind the wheel that TXDPS requires. Are they ready to be turned loose with a car when they finished Driver's Ed? Absolutely not!! But, they now have the foundation and basic knowledge. Now, it's up to the parents to instruct them with real life situations while being the passenger of a driver with a LEARNER'S permit. I firmly advocate kids getting their permit when they are 15 because it allow for a full YEAR of permit driving as they can't be fully licensed until 16. Some parents wait until the children are older; but once you're 16+, you only have to permit-drive for 6 months. I'd rather my drivers have that 6 months of experience rather than a mere 6 months of maturity!
Hope some of this helps,
R. F.