You can try an amber teething necklace to help.
my son is 1 next month and he just started teething. he's not eating as much as he use to. am going to the pediatrician Tuesday. what can i do in the mean while?
ok thanks every1. tomorrow i'll get the gel and teething rings
You can try an amber teething necklace to help.
My DD eats about 1/3 the amount she usually does when she's teething. Usually, the best thing I can do for her is just make sure what she IS eating is the most nutrient-packed stuff I can get into her. Usually, it doesn't last more than 3-4 days, and she is eating again with a vengance. Another thing she loves is to get one of those mesh feeders, put a big chunk of banana in it, and freeze it. The cold feels good on sore gums, the frozen banana helps cut the tooth, and the banana gets eaten. 3 way score! lol. Sometimes my DD will even reject that, but she ALWAYS loves plain ice cubes in the feeder too.
We always found baby Tylenol helpful on the worst teething days or nights.
A few of my friend's babies did the same thing. They stopped eating as much and lost weight while they were teething. It was nothing that they could do but just try to keep the baby comfortable until teething was over. I rubbed Baby Orajel on my baby gums and bought all types of teething toys.
Cold foods, soft foods, let him gnaw on some dampened, then frozen and quartered baby washcloths, give Tylenol. They seem to not eat as much when a tooth is breaking through--I think that's pretty typical......
Infant tylenol for the worst times. And my baby never wanted the typical stuff (frozen washcloth, cold bananas, etc). He just wants to nurse all the time instead of eating. Its healthy and has lots of calories, and it's usually only for a few days during the worst of the teething.