Your daughter is overeating. She has acid reflux because of it. A baby's stomach is the size of their fist.
Do what the doc says. I did and my son is perfectly healthy. At his last check up the doc actually said he was 'text book'. All the numbers were perfect.
My son never spit up b/c he wasn't overfed. I once, ONCE, listened to women in my family and put some cereal in his bottle. He has such back constipation that he actually ripped a little of his anus. From then on I vowed to only listen to the doc.
Your daughter is very uncomfortable with all the food. And, you have to remember that a baby's instinct is to suck. She could just want to suck and not actually eat.
Please, listen to the doc's orders for like a 2 weeks, you'll see her acid reflux clear up and she'll learn to soothe herself without the bottle. She just needs something to soother herself, she's not hungry.
Acid reflux is destroying her esophagus, too. Do not overfeed babies. I had this argument with my mom, grandmother, aunts and other older women. Babies spit up b/c their itty bitty stomachs are overflowing with formula.