I have never cut off the seeds. I know strawberries are supposed to be an allergen (what food isn't these days, really) but if you have no family history I would just be observant when he eats them.
If i want to feed my son strawberries do I need to cut the seeds off first? I know it maybe a stupid question but I just don't know...Thanks : )
Thanks ladies I guess I shouldn't even feed them to him though.... He is 10 months and I had no idea it was an allergen?!?!?! And by cutting off the seeds I meant like the skin altogether lol : )
I have never cut off the seeds. I know strawberries are supposed to be an allergen (what food isn't these days, really) but if you have no family history I would just be observant when he eats them.
as long as he's old enough for strawberries, he should be fine. Strawberries is a BIG allergy food. I think the age for strawberries is 2 or 3 yrs.
I never cut the seeds off.
How old is he? I've never worried about the seeds. I think you'll be fine:-)
I've never cut the seeds off of a strawberry.
I just read your previous post and you say that your son is only 10 months old. Strawberries are a very likely cause of allergies in young children and it is suggested to wait at least until 1 year of age to give your child strawberries. Even if he doesnt have an allergic reaction he may get a bad rash from them because they are very acidic and cause a sore bum quite easily
Good Luck
The whole "wait to feed allergens" has been reversed. If you have a ped you can ask him/her. Now they say that waiting can cause the allergies...
Yes, the medical community could be consistant and less confusing, but that would mean that you couldn't tell grandma "they don't do that any more," and then you'd have to put up with ALL her well-meaning advice! ;=)
i put strawberries in a munchkin mesh feeder and my kids loved it. i never had any problems with allergies. i offered alot of differnat kinds of foods. if there was a problem, i didn't offer it again.
I was giving my kids strawberries at 10 months...I didn't know they were an allergen either!!
I made sure they were cleaned, cut the tops off and quartered them...my boys LOVE THEM!! And they are now 9 and 11...
I am adding this:
Kiwi fruit, is also highly allergic for some.
My daughter as a toddler, loved Kiwi fruit.
She ate it fine.
Then one day, as she was eating it, her mouth began to tingle and hurt.... so I immediately had her stop eating and and rinsed her mouth. The pain did not go away immediately.
I told the Pediatrician, and researched Kiwi allergy online.
Yep, it can be a very dangerous allergy food.
For some people the entire mouth/throat/face will get swollen. Hence they cannot breathe etc. Anything in the botanical family of Kiwi, can also be an allergy food and cause a reaction.
Anyway, be careful of Kiwi fruit too.
Just letting you know, per what happened to my daughter.
Here is a link on Kiwi Allergies in kids:
No, the seeds are fine. And strawberries are fine at any age past 4-6 months (whenever you introduce solids). It is an old wives tale that they need to be introduced late.
No, don't cut em off, but depending on the age of your son, you may want to be careful to cut them small. I wouldn't worry about allergies, unless your child has some already in which case you will just want to be sure to introduce ONLY the strawberries for a few days along side already known foods. EVERY food is a potential allergen. Some are more common, but any food could cause problems. Don't keep foods away from your kids out of fear. Just be concious and careful when introducing them. My older son has been allergic to peaches since introduction. My other son has been allergic to squash. Those are "suppose" to be the least allergic foods!
The seeds are not an issue, and I've never bothered worrying about allergens, either. All of my sons (my 3rd is 10 months old now) have eaten eggs, peanut butter, strawberries, and milk and wheat before 12 months with no issues whatsoever.
lol, I didn't know it was an allergy either. I cut the green top off and cut it in 4 sections or put it one of those fruit/veggie pacifier-looking holders with the net where they can suck on it. In a few months or whenever you can give a baby allergy-prominent foods I bet he'll love it :) If you have no family history, I would give it to him now or in a few months and make sure benadryl is nearby just in case.
No, but only buy organic since the pestisides hide in the seeds.
No, you don't. Is it even possible to cut the seeds off? Not sure how old he is, but our pediatrician recommended waiting a while longer to give my children any type of berry.