I see a family practice D.O. in North Ft Worth who is fine with our non-vaxing status. I actually called many Ped's in trying to find one---and finally found a great list I went off of ( I actually think its similar to Christy' list since my list came from my chiro's office--which is connected to her birth center!)
The most important thing seeing a list did for me was make me realize I did not have to compromise my desires for my sons health care just because some Doc's out there refused to see us.
So just know that you are not the only "odd ball out" in seeking this out and there are some great docs out their who could care less about vaccination status and just want to help kiddos be well!
L. S.
A little about me: Local area doula and admin. Dir. at the American Pregnancy Association-- Pretty much everything I do revolves around pregnancy! My husband and I just had our first baby in May and its been a crazy ride ever since!