I know a woman who had preterm labor issues and was on meds to stop contractions. Then she stopped taking the meds and the baby didn't come before her due date. Then because she was expecting an early baby, she got ansy and wanted to be induced just 3 days after her due date. Induction didn't go well (50% don't!!!) and she ended up sliced and diced all because she was tired of being pregnant.
Here's my advice: Look at 42 weeks as your due date. No matter what a doctor tells you, there is nothing unsafe about waiting until 42 weeks before doing anything unless the baby or you are in distress. The baby isn't actually LATE until 42 weeks. Don't expect your baby to come early. Then, anything before that will be "early" and a nice surprise. Believe me, you are uncomfortable enough that last 4-6 weeks, all you need is to be thinking "why hasn't this baby come yet?". If you keep in mind that the baby comes when ready and that it's safer to keep developing as long as possible, it will go faster.
Good Luck:)