YES, YES, YES!!! During both along with back aches and sore boobies.
Does anyone get achy joints during ovulation or your period?
YES, YES, YES!!! During both along with back aches and sore boobies.
I get achy joints and migraines - hate my period.
I had an achy gut but not joints. I suggest that achy joints would indicate some other condition but if they're a part of overall achiness then it could be the result of hormones.
I get achy all over. My hip and my leg usually are the worst but I have sciatica issues and I think the lower back pain and cramps irritate it. Ibprobfen and heating pads are what works the best for me. I also get horrible back aches and the only way to relieve some of the pain is to get on my knees on my bed, lay my head down, put my elbows under my chest and kind of stick my butt in the air. I look ridiculous but it takes away some the pressure from my back and helps with the pain.
Good luck.
Yes. Especially my back. It hurts so bad.
YES, I am like that.
Yes. I ache from the waist down. I don't want to wear shoes.