I totally feel this way! my 4 yr old is also an only child and so I feel guilty when I don't want to play with her this way. I can draw or paint or cook any of those things with her but when she wants to get out the polly pockets or play scooby doo...I do it most of the time but I hate it! lol. I never played dolls as a kid either so add that to my don't know what I'm doing and don't really like it list! You my friend are SO not alone! when I start feeling like I'm not being a good mom for not playing I make myself stop and make a mental list of the things I do for my daughter and the stuff we have done together. then I don't feel so guilty about calling up one of her friends mom's to borrow a friend for my daughter then they can play together and I don't have to--and bonus my friend gets a break as well. Her daddy is SO much better at playing dolls than I am, hows that for a funny one?
thanks for asking this sometimes I feel like I'm the only mom that thinks I'd rather go to the dentist and have a root canal today on certain days... :)