Doctor Test Vs. Home Test

Updated on October 05, 2011
T.S. asks from Fort Worth, TX
7 answers

Can the doctor tell if you are pregnant even before a home pregnancy test???

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So What Happened?

So the reason I was asking is because I have a 21 day cycle, have had many symptoms, misses my period by two days (which I'm NEVER late) and have had at least five negative tests. And last week when I asked about symptoms some of the women said I should just go to the doctor. So I waited until I missed my period. I did go to the doctor this afternoon and they did a blood test. I will know the results tomorrow. Will keep you posted.
Following Doctor Appointment:
I went to the doctor on Monday and had a blood test done. I got the results yesterday and it was negative. the nurse said it's possible that I'm not more than two weeks along and the hormone level isn't high enough to detect. But the crazy thing is that I still havent started my period (now 5 days late) and I still have other symptoms. I guess another week will tell. Time seems like it stands still when it comes to this stuff.

More Answers


answers from Norfolk on

When we were doing IVF to have our son, we implanted embryos Feb 5 and got a positive with a blood test on Feb 21.
Since there was no guessing about when conception took place, 16 days I think was the earliest for us to know if it had worked or not.


answers from Rochester on

My doctor's office usually won't make an appointment until I've taken a home test and had a positive, unless I'm coming in for something else anyway. You can get tests that can be accurate as early as 5 or 6 days before you're due to have a period. How much earlier would you need to know? I would save the trip to the doctor and test at home. :)



answers from Dallas on

Just thought I would tell you about my experience. With my second baby (who will turn 2 in a couple of days), I just KNEW I was pregnant. I took 3 home pregnancy tests - because that is all that came in the package - and they were all negative. I had my annual coming up a week later and told my doctor what I thought so she ordered a blood pregnancy test. They drew my blood and called me back a couple of days later and said I was not pregnant. Two weeks later, I took a positive home prenancy test! When I went back in to my doctor, she said she couldn't believe that the blood test didn't pick up the hormones, but it just must have been too early. I knew I was pregnant all along though. ;)



answers from Minneapolis on

You know that the dollar store tests are the same ones used at planned parent hood and similar places they are one of the most accurate as far as testing for the lowest amount of hcg.

a list of levels and no the doctors don't use the more expensive ones for college 20 or less hcg...


answers from Hartford on

What does that mean? The doctor uses the same test as an at home pregnancy test. The doctor also has the benefit of being able to use a blood test which is more accurate. And of course once you're 8-10 weeks the doctor can use an ultrasound effectively to confirm pregnancy.



answers from Topeka on

Yes & no if depends how far along you are & if it is a urine or blood test my 3rd I was pregnant at the time they did a urine test to prescribe me a medication but since I wasn't late yet I didn't know for sure till I was late then it was a good 5 tests later so about another 2 weeks then finally went in for another test to confirm I was pregnant it just was too early to detect.I would make sure you are pregnant before a blood test I just received my bill today & it is $169.00 for a blood test for pregnancy,luckily with good insurance I will only pay 11 bucks



answers from Dallas on

The most sensitive home pregnancy test only predicts it will turn positive if the HCG concentration in your urine is 25 mIU/mL while blood tests, also known as beta's, can detect any level of HCG. If the level is above 5 mIU/mL you are considered pregnant. Give that, yes, a blood test could tell you earlier.

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