Hmmmm~ I can relate on a level with my own auto immune disorder as I went through a slew of doctors... It was not until I finally found my current specialist over a dozen hits.
I know what I should have done first: A list from my primary care (to make sure the insurance covered the doctor/ hospital). After that, set up a short interview with the office and/ or doctor to see if I resonated with them.
This is what I did do after my son was born and I found my current specialist~ he supposedly was not taking on new patients, either. But I begged and pleaded my way into their practice~ LOL!
I had one experience where the doctor was such a jerk, he came in while I was redressing, kept the door open and continued to talk. I had to hold my jeans in front of me to have cover. I thought that was the rudest manner for a doctor.
I can also say that I have a client with Crohn's. She does have a doctor, but I do not have that information. However, I greatly admire her as she does not take the medication. She has monitored her diet (Certain grains are a huge culprit in this case.) and she finds that reflexology truly helps - in addition to massage. For her work, she did some serious manual labor as well. She did go into the hospital but for something else. The reflexology helped to eliminate the pain afterward - and she opted for no meds again (my little trooper is what I call her. She's moved out of state now and I still keep in touch with her... She's doing very well.)
I'd greatly suggest finding a nutritionist as many in the holistic field can usually field clients to the right remedies to help - and alternative works great even if combined with modern medicine.
Best of luck~ I truly hope something works out for your husband... I have been there.