I highly recommend the book "Clean House, Clean Planet" - she gives recipes, explanations of why things work, sells them pre-made (or just the bottles), has great tips for kits to keep in your car and gives every recipe a rating so you know how well they work and if they are worth the time/effort. Great info, great gift.
For lotion, we first buy ones without petroleum/petrolatum, mineral oil, parrafins. Then we add coconut oil to every application. Coconut oil has cured eczema, baby acne, sun poisoning and fungal infections in our families. Its also a great ingredient for laundry detergent.
We made our own laundry detergent for years, but it wasn't doing a good enough job on my husband's work clothes (or with our son's stuff when he was projectiling 10x/day). We took the advice from the GHGP book and started using a great liquid detergent (EOS), cutting the amount by 2/3 (we use 1/3 the recommended amount) and adding baking soda. Huge improvement, no laundry issues, no skin irritation issues, no fragrance issues, just clean/soft clothes and tons of savings. We also use dryer balls.
Good luck!