I can definitely at least somewhat relate to what you are going through. My 19 month old daughter was diagnosed with food allergies at age 1...she is allergic to milk and all dairy products, eggs and peanuts...we are also avoiding tree nuts. Although she is not allergic to as many things as your son, just with the things she is allergic to it's tough. For us, when we found out about her allergies, we decided to make the same meals for all of us, although it's easier for us because we just have her, no other children, but if we have another child, whether they are allergic or not, we will be having the same meals. We do have ice cream and things like that at times that she can't have, but we make sure she has something too like a popsicle or something. She is growing just fine without dairy and all that; she really thrives on the soy milk...what kind of milk does your son drink? I would just say to try and make everyone's meals the same as much as you can; obviously you can't always but you don't want him to feel left out, and you also don't want to be making a bunch of different things all the time. I wish I could be of more help; allergies just suck. Also, I don't know where you're located, but we go to Outpost Foods sometimes for some things for our daughter because they have lots of natural foods there and things that would probably be okay for your son...there's a couple in Milwaukee...we live by the one in Bay View.