Do We Have a Sign on Our Back???

Updated on May 07, 2009
M.A. asks from Detroit, MI
5 answers

Geeze, enough is enough, we were attacked "again" by a dog in our neighborhood... We were not hurt, I had to hit the other dog off of me with the pooper scooper (dont laugh) I had in my bag. My dog was trying to get to him-hard for me to hold back a 115 pound dog!!

We have had numerous problems with dogs in our area and folks who are not being responsible pet owners. We have been trying to deal with these issues, but this looks like it might be getting out of control and someone might get hurt. We take our dog for a walk everyday and five (5) times in recent months we have been chased, jumped and attacked by the dogs in the area. We control our dog with a leash, commands, and always walk on the other side of the street if another dog is outside (in no way does our dog provoke these other animals, we just walk down the street.) I have called the local police department to complain (they cannot do anything unless someone gets bitten) and they refer me over to animal control. Animal control said they will investigate, and suggested that we write down the areas with problems and send them over for further review and/or place on file. I am at my wits end, my dog wants to go, go, go, and there is no way to go to other areas to walk our dog (too many other dogs!!) I think I am going to bring my tear gas that I carry (work in downtown Detroit)to go on our walks...

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone. Animal control came out to give the pet owners a ticket ($100.00) and told me to let them know if I have any other problems.

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answers from Detroit on

Oh no, I would not tolerate that. Personally, I would get a choke chain and carry it with me and the next time one of those dogs comes at you, pull an alfa dog on it and take control of it and put that choke chain on it and take it home with you and call animal control to come pick it up at your home. I've been bitten twice when I was younger and I've learned that if a stray dog is coming at you, you MUST not show any fear. Show the dog that you are the boss...act like you own it...tell it to "GET OVER HERE!", then tell it to SIT, and put the choke chain on it (have an extra leash, obviously) and make it go with you. Remember to praise the dog for doing as it's told. May sound crazy, but it will work and it will get the dog off the street. HOWEVER, if the dog does not listen to what I have suggested above be sure to also carry pepper spray and be prepared to use it if it attacks! Most dogs will do as I said and listen to you, but some are just plain vicious, but since you said these dogs have not bitten you, I think they will do as I have suggested. Hope this helps!



answers from Amarillo on

If it were me I'd bring the pepper spray or tear gas or whatever you have and protect yourself. If people can't take care of their pets it's their own damn fault. I absolutely hate people who let their pets run loose and then complain when they get taken to the pound. You should not have to be afraid to go for a walk. Isn't it a law that dogs have to be on leashes?



answers from Detroit on

If I were you I would cary pepper spray or something like you said above, that is really going to be your best defense. However, you should be able to walk your dog in peace. Im not sure what area you live in but I have noticed the closer to the city you get the worse it is as far as animals being loose. I live in SCS and at 9 & harper a pit just attacked a jogger. I also remember when I worked downtown I would see dogs wondering on entrance and exit ramps of 94 or worse, already hit. Maybe an alternate route you could take, a dog park?? I would carry the spray and call every time I saw a loose dog, take down the area as well, not that the dog is going to be there by the time they get there.
Good luck!!



answers from Detroit on

Hi, Melissa

It's my understanding that most cities have a leash law. How about finding out who the owners are and either deal with them directly or reporting them--or keep calling animal control and insisting they pick up the dogs BEFORE something happens, make sure you log each call in the event something does happen.

This is just another example of life's little events that sometimes get in our way. Walk through it, step around it ... but keep moving forward.

Hope all turns out well.




answers from Detroit on

I would keep calling Animal Control. If they get enough complaints about a particular dog,they will finally do something about it. I'd hate for one of them to get a hold of a child! Also, have you tried speaking to the owners of these dogs (as civilly as possible)? Find out if there is a leash law in your city, and keep up with the complaints! Unfortunately, they would do something right away if someone got bit, but until then they just give the owner warnings.
Good Luck! I feel for you!

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